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CEO & Founder, Dr. JT Kim


For 27 years, U2Bio has accumulated IT-experience while developing EMR, PHR, E-commerce, etc. With this, we have created a Medical/Healthcare IT infrastructure and a Bio Service to gain greater value. As the CEO of the newly established venture business, I have faced all sorts of hardships in the constantly changing environment and have experienced the important transitions that came along with the arrival of the U-Healthcare era. Some changes include the acceptance of for-profit medical corporations, openings of new medical markets, and the start of civilian medical insurance in Korea. We will always make an effort to identify and provide counsel of abrupt changes in the medical environment in order to efficiently aid the operations of hospital and clinic functions.

It is not only in the U2 headquarters, but also in our employees of all departments that we produce accurate diagnoses and exemplify promptness, accessibility, and trustworthiness. We will give our best effort to prepare for the era of constantly changing environments by providing the vision to dream big dreams and as an enterprise, will strive to accomplish all of this with the universal love of humanity.

"U2BIO is always aspiring to
become a globally”

Renowned Integrated Healthcare Platform

Managing Director, Jin Roh

ABOUT U2Bio Thailand

I am both pleased and honored to welcome you visit U2Bio (Thailand) Co., ltd. We are a subsidiary of U2Bio Co., Ltd, that listed company in Korea, U2KOR is one of the leading companies on healthcare market for 27years.

We exit to deliver our value, BT+IT convergency to Thailand and southeast region with good-willed solutions, competitive price and highest quality service. Since, 2011, we established laboratory service and authorized LA(Laboratory Accreditation) and expand service and products for life-science, IVD kits, etc. and will launch the new IT solutions for hospital from 2019.

- U2Check

- U2 LIS (Laboratory Information Systems)

- HealthWallet (Mobile application)

- SQMS(Smart Queue Management System)

- U2CarePlan

On behalf of U2Bio, I appreciate your attentions and supports.

"We're always puts customer satisfaction as its Highest Priority."




U2Bio (Thailand) Co., ltd

629/398 Sathupradit Road, Bangpongpang, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 Thailand

Tel : +66 2 294-3547

Fax: +66 2 294-3564


Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm 

​​Sat & ​Sun: Closed


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